
The Bergmann Pistols
Model 1894 Model 1896 Model 1897 Model 1899 Bergmann Simplex Bergmann Mars
Bergmann Bayard Danish Bergmann
Gun Articles & Information:
.22 S&W: The .22 Smith & Wesson Hand Ejector .32 S&W: The .32 Smith & Wesson Hand Ejector .32 S&W: The Model 1903 S&W .32 Hand Ejector .44 Special: .44 Special Revolvers - Review Alkar: Alkar & Nueva Alkar Cartridge Counter Pistol Astra: The Astra Tubular Slide Pistols - Models 400, 300, 600, etc. Baby Hammerless: The Baby Hammerless Revolver Bayard: The Model 1908 Pieper Bayard Benelli: The Benelli B76 Pistol Beretta Nano: The Beretta Nano Pistol Bergmann: The Bergmann Pistols Bernardelli: Bernardelli VP and Baby Pistols Bernardon-Martin: The Bernardon-Martin Pistol Bittner: The 1896 Bittner Magazine Repeating Pistol Budischowsky: The Budischowsky TP 70 Pistol Bufalo: Browning Model 1910 and the Bufalo Campo-Giro: Spain’s Campo-Giro Pistol Charter Arms: Charter Arms: the Early Revolvers Chiappa: The Chiappa Rhino Revolver Clean & Lube: Cleaning & Lubricating Pistols Clement: The Clement Pistols Colt 1877 D.A.: Colt Model 1877 Double Action Colt 1900: The First Colt Automatic Pistol Colt 1902: The 1902 Military and Sporting Models Colt 1903: The 1903 Colt .38 Pocket Model Colt 1903/1908: The Colt “Hammerless” Pocket Model Colt
1905/1907: The First .45 Auto Colt 1908: The Colt Vest Pocket .25 Colt DS: Colt Detective Special Colt Trigger: Adjusting the Colt Double-Action Trigger Cummings: Samuel Cummings & Interarms CYKA: Franz Karpinski: The CYKA Pistol CZ-22: The Czech Fox and CZ vz. 22 Pistol CZ-24: The Czech CZ 24 Pistol CZ-38: The Czech CZ 38 Pistol CZ-45: Two Czech .25s (The CZ45 and the DUO) CZ-52: Trigger Job for the CZ 52 Czech vz. 22: The Zbrojovka Brno vz. 22 Pistol Davis-Warner: The Warner Infallible Pistol Detonics: Detonics Combat Master .45 Dreyse: 1907 Dreyse 7.65mm Dreyse: The 6.35mm Dreyse Vest Pocket Pistol Dreyse: The 9mm Dreyse Dreyse: RM&M Ammo for the Dreyse 9mm Erma: Field-Stripping the Erma KGP 68A Erquiaga, Muguruza y Cia.: Fiel, Diane, Fornasari, Self Escort: Smith & Wesson Escort (Model 61) Eusta: The Eusta P7 and P9 Pistol Falke: The Falke Pistol of the Albert Föhrenbach Co. Fitz Special: The Cut-down Revolver or Fitz Special FN 1899/1900: The 1899 and 1900 FN Browning FN 1903: The 1903 FN Browning & m07 Husqvarna FN 1906: The 1906 FN Browning 6.35mm FN 1910: The 1910 FN Browning 7.65mm & 9mm FN Baby: The FN Baby Browning Francotte: The Auguste Francotte Automatic Pistols French 1935: The 1935 French Service Pistols Frommer Stop: The Frommer Stop Pistol Glock Grip Modification: Glock Grip Modification Grant Hammond: Grant Hammond Automatic Pistol Gunsmithing: Gunsmithing Videos Haenel Schmeisser: The Haenel Schmeisser Pistol Heckler & Koch: The Heckler & Koch Model 4 (HK4) Heim: The Heinzelmann Heim Pistol Helfricht: The Helfricht “Helkra” Pistol H&D: The Henrion & Dassy Automatic Pistol H&R Auto: The H&R Automatic Pistols of 1912 & 1916 High
Standard: The High Standard Crusader Revolver High Standard: The High Standard G .380 High Standard: The High Standard Sentinel High Standard: The High Standard Double-Nine HJS: The HJS Frontier Four Derringer Holsters: Holsters for Concealed Carry Interarms: Samuel Cummings & Interarms Italian Date Codes for
Guns: Italian Date Codes Jäger: The Jäger Self-Loading Pistol Jieffeco: see Melior
below Kahr CW45 - Mag-na-port the Kahr CW45 Kel-Tec P-32: Kel-Tec P-32 Kimber: Kimber K6S Revolver Kobra: The Kobra Pistol Kommer: The Kommer Automatic Pistols Langenhan: Pistols of Friedrich Langenhan Le Francais: Le Français Pistols Lignose: The Bergmann & Lignose Pocket Pistols Little Ace: Little Ace Little Tom: Alois Tomiška’s Little Tom Pistol MAB History: A Brief History of MAB MAB Model A: The MAB Model A Pistol MAB Model B: The MAB Model B Pistol MAB Models C & D: The MAB Models C and D Pistols MAB Model E: The MAB Model E Pistol MAB Model F: The MAB Model F Pistol MAB Model G: The MAB Model G and GZ Pistol MAB Model PA-15: The MAB Model PA-15 MAB Model R: The MAB Model R MAB Model R9X: The MAB R9X Prototype Mann: The Mann .25 Caliber Pistol Mann: The Mann 7.65mm Pistol Mannlicher: The Model 1900 Steyr-Mannlicher Pistol Mars: The Czech Mars Pistol Mauser Pistols: The Mauser Model 1910 Mauser Pistols: The Mauser Model 1914 Mauser Pistols: The Mauser Model WTP Mauser Pistols: The Mauser Model HSc Melior: Model 1907 & 1911 Melior & Jieffeco Pistol Melior: Model 1914 Melior & Jieffeco Pistol Melior: Model 1920 Meilior, Jieffeco, & Gladiator Pistol Melior: Model 1922, Melior, Jieffeco, & Record 7.65mm Menta:
see Menz Menz: A History of the August Menz Company Menz PB Spezial: The Menz PB Spezial Pistol Mini Revolvers: Mini Revolvers Mondial: The Gaspar Arizaga Mondial Pistol Nicolas Pieper: The Pistols of Nicolas Pieper Olariaga: Eustaquio Olariaga Revolver Ortgies: The Ortgies Pistol OWA: The ÖWA 6.35 mm Pistol PAF: PAF Junior Perla: František Dušek’s Perla Pistol Phoenix: The Rebirth of the Phoenix Pieper Bayard: The Model 1908 Pieper Bayard Pieper New Model: The Pieper New Model Pistol Pieper, Nicolas: The Pistols of Nicolas Pieper Practical Shooting: Notes on Practical Shooting Praha: The Zbrojovka Praga Model 21 ‘Praha’ Pistol Remington
51: The Remington Model 51 Pistol Remington 51: Remington Model 51 Prototypes Revolvers: Defensive Revolvers for Concealed Carry Rheinmetall: Rheinmetall 7.65mm Model 1920 Pistol Rhino: The Chiappa Rhino Revolver RIC: A Webley RIC Pattern Solid Frame Revolver Rolling Block: The Remington Rolling Block Pistol Rossi: Rossi Princess Revolver Safety: Universal Gun Safety Rules Sauer & Sohn 1913: The Sauer Model 1913-30 Pistols Sauer & Sohn 1938: The Sauer 38H Pistol Sauer & Sohn SMN: SMN-marked S&S M1929 Sauer & Sohn WTM: The Sauer & Sohn WTM Schmeisser: Haenel Schmeisser Pistol Schouboe: DRS Schouboe Pistol Schwarzlose: The 1909 Schwarzlose Pistol Schwarzlose: Emperor Wilhelm II’s Schwarzlose SIG P238: SIG P238 and the Colt Mustang Simson: The 1922 and 1926 Simson Slavia: The Czech Slavia Pistol S&W Model 61: Smith & Wesson Escort .22 Star 1914/1919: The Models 1914 & 1919 Star Pistols Star CO: The Star Model CO Steyr 1909: 1909 Steyr Pieper Pistol 6.35 mm Steyr 1909: 1909 Steyr Pieper Pistol 7.65 mm Steyr 1909: 1909 Steyr with Long Barrel Steyr Mannlicher: The Model 1900 Steyr-Mannlicher Stock: The Franz Stock Automatic Pistols Stosel: The Stosel, an Eibar or Ruby-type Pistol Suicide
Special: Suicide Special Revolvers Tanque: Tanque Auto Pistol Taurus 327: A Quick Review of the Taurus 327 Taurus 450Ti: The Taurus 450Ti Revolver Thompson-La Garde: Thompson-La Garde Report Velodog: Velodog Revolver WAC: Western Arms Corporation of Los Angeles Walther Dates: Dating Early Walther Pistols Walther Model 1: The Walther Model 1 Walther Models 2 and 5: The Walther Models 2 & 5 Walther Model 3: The Walther Model 3 Walther Model 4: The Walther Model 4 Walther Models 7 & 8: The Walther Models 7 and 8 Walther Model 9: The Walther Model 9 Walther Model 9: Walther Model 9 Variations Walther Prototype: Experimental Walther .32 Walther TP: The Walther Model TP Walther TPH: The Walther TPH Warner: The Warner Infallible Pistol Webley RIC: Webley RIC Pattern Solid Frame Revolver Webley & Scott: W&S Auto Pistols, Part 1 (1903-1907) Webley & Scott: W&S Auto Pistols, Part 2 (1908-1911) Webley & Scott: W&S Auto Pistols, Part 3 (1912-1953) Whitney: Whitney “Beals Patent” Pocket Revolver Zehna: Zehna Part 1: History and Prototypes Zehna: Zehna Part 2: The Production Pistols
 A Hit Man’s Gun
WARNING: This section contains explicit images that may be offensive to some.