Bergger Prestige CB Art, Grade 4, exposed in strips for 40 seconds, 48.4 seconds, and 60 seconds at f/8 and developed 50 seconds in Ansco 120 (2:1) at 68º F, then washed briefly before being moved to a solution of Ansco 120 (1:2) with 30 grams potassium bromide added, and solarized for 4 seconds with a 55 watt incandescent bulb 4 feet above the tray. Development was continued for an additional 70 seconds in the second tray of developer. 40 seconds was chosen for the development time of the fine print (see below). The test strip was reduced in Farmer’s Reducer for prints for 60 seconds, rinsed briefly, then returned to the fix for 30 seconds.
Below is the same test strip reduced in iodine reducer and toned in three different toners.