Unblinking Eye
                                    Finished Grips, Rear View

With the grips attached to the gun, I then began to do the final filing to make them fit perfectly. This took several hours. Eventually, I had to remove the tape from the backstrap.  I filed as carefully as I could, but there was no way to avoid getting some file marks on the gun.  I tried to keep them to a minimum.

When I decided there was no more filing I could do, I got some 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper and went over the backstrap as thoroughly as I could.  Then I got out the 1500 grit and actually began to polish the metal and the new grips. I worked on the polishing for quite a long time while my wife and I watched television.

Eventually, the metal took on a better shine than it had had from the factory.

Note how thin the left grip is at the top--my thumb fits quite comfortably there, and I can keep the gun from jumping when I shoot it. The grip flares out asymmetrically at the bottom, but I find this enables me to hold onto to the gun better.  The new grips are thicker than the old, so there is more to grab hold of.

Copyright 2007
by Ed Buffaloe.


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