Comments: One of the joys of being retired is doing the deja vu thing! So after 30 years, and discovering Freestyle again sells 127 film, I got me a Yashica
44 LM TLR and have exposed 4 rolls of the Macophot U100 film standardizing my developer and times. All films are developed in 450cc SS tank and reels, with 1/2" x 2 1/2" PVC
pipe spacer on the bottom to get film up into the soup. Again, I will use total QUANTITY of developer, verses the more common ratio. 3 minute presoak (water). Each developer gives
different results. The Rodinal gives good grain, very good sharpness, but zone 7 or higher highlights tend to block in a long scale scene. The Pyro negs have everything there!
Printing: Both developer negs will go to 7 x 7 inch enlargements without any problem. Pushed to 10x10, the Pyro negs might hold the grain in a cloud scene depending on how
far back you are from the finished print. Stick with 7x7 for the Rodinal neg. If there is no cloud or sky in the neg, 10x10 inch looks very good from either neg type.