Unblinking Eye

Model 1911 in 6.35mm

As we said earlier, production of the Model 1911 in 6.35mm was started without interrupting production of the Model 1907, and the earliest known serial numbers 9110 and 9577 are wedged into the sequence of Model 1907 6.35mm serial numbers. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the exact number of manufactured pistols of the Model 1911.

Production of Model 1907 6.35mm pistols ended between serial number 12166 of the Model 1907 and serial number 12634 of the Model 1911, and then we see a continuous chain of serial numbers of Model 1911 pistols which is interrupted in the range between 19871 and 30420 which are all 7.65mm pistols. The last known serial number of a model 1911 6.35mm pistol is 36489.

Pistols of the 1911 model made in 6.35mm can be divided into two variations, similar to the 7.65mm pistols. The first variation of the 1911 model had a magazine release button on the left grip. A few early Model 1911 pistols (such as the one shown below, SN 12634) form a rare sub-variant: these guns do not have a pin for the ball joint in front of the rear serrations of the bolt, and may presumably have been made based on Rosier’s interim Belgian patent № 230218 of 1910. We do not know how many guns of this sub-variant may have been made, but possibly less than 100. If you have a gun in the serial number range between 9110 and 12860, please write to us and share photographs and information about your gun.*

In the second variation, the magazine release moves to the base of the grip and is pushed inward from behind to release the magazine.

Melior Model 1911 First Variation - SN 12634

Melior Model 1911 First Variation - SN 12634

Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 30474

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 30474

Changes to the magazine release mechanism occurred in the serial number range somewhere between 13690 and 14104. Please write to us if you have a gun in this serial number range.* Photographs would be appreciated.

All model 1911 pistols in 6.35mm were produced with the Melior and Jieffeco trademark brands in alternating batches of various quantities. All first variation Model 1911 6.35mm pistols are marked with the Henry Rosier stamp with a crown above the initials HR on the left side of the trigger guard. Second variation Model 1911 6.35mm pistols were also marked with the Henry Rosier stamp with a crown above the initials HR on the left side of the trigger guard, but in the interval between serial numbers 31708 and 31994 the HR stamp with a crown was replaced with the HR stamp with a Star, and a stamp with the letters RKL arranged in a triangle was added to the right side of the trigger guard.


HR Stamp with Crown


HR Stamp with Star

Second variant pistols used two different stamps with the letters RKL. In the first version of the stamp, the letters RKL are enclosed in an inverted triangle-shaped border, while in the second version, the letters RKL are arranged in the triangle shape but without a border.


RKL Stamp


RKL Stamp in Triangle

The first version of the RKL stamp with a triangle border appears on second variant 6.35mm Model 1911 pistols in the range between serial numbers 31708 and 31994. The RKL stamp without border appears in the range of serial numbers between 32711 and 33151.

First Variation 6.35mm Model 1911

All observed first variation Model 1911 pistols manufactured under the Melior trademark have no export markings (serial numbers 9110, 9577, 12634 , 12649, and 13690).

Melior Model 1911 First Variation - SN 12634

Melior Model 1911 First Variation - SN 12634

Most observed first variation Model 1911 pistols manufactured under the Jieffeco trademark have inscriptions on the slide in French: “PISTOLET AUTOMATIQUE JIEFFECO DEPOSE” (serial numbers 12748, 12860, 12930, 13397).


Jieffeco Model 1911 First Variation - SN 13397

The Jieffeco Model 1911 first variation pistol with the serial number 13680 was made for the English market and has a slide inscription in English and an additional export marking "BELGIUM" on the frame.


Jieffeco Model 1911 Marked for Export

Second Variation 6.35mm Model 1911

A large number second variation Jieffeco pistols were sold in the French market. Observed second variation 6.35mm Jieffeco Model 1911 pistols, including serial numbers 14104, 14247, 14790, 14842, 15244, 15735, 15737, 16874, 17170, 17292, 18379, 19693, 19871, 30420, 30474, 30499, 30758, 31136, 31623, and 31708 are marked with the HR stamp with a crown on the left side of the trigger guard and have their slide inscription in French: “PISTOLET AUTOMATIQUE JIEFFECO DEPOSE.

Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 30474 Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 30474

Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - w/ Markings in French - SN 30474

Second variation 6.35mm Model 1911 Jieffeco pistols with serial numbers 16303, 16362, 16370, 16376, 17475, 17548, 17560, 17571, which are marked with the HR stamp with a Crown on the left side of the trigger guard, are marked in English “AUTOMATIC PISTOL JIEFFECO DEPOSE,” and are also marked for export with the word "BELGIUM" on the frame.

Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 16303 Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 16303

Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - w/ Markings in English - SN 16303

Second variation 6.35mm Model 1911 Melior pistols with serial numbers 16751, 16875, 18007, 18030, 18284, 19714, and 30638 are marked with the HR stamp with a Crown on the left side of the trigger guard but do not have export markings.

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 16751 Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 16751

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 16751

Second variation 6.35mm Model 1911 Melior pistols with serial numbers 17897 and 18666, which are marked with the HR stamp with a crown on the left side of the trigger guard, were used as service weapons by the French police and are marked on the left side of the frame with the stamp: "COMMISSARIAT DE POLICE BANLIEUE" (suburban police station). On the right side of the frame and recoil spring housing, these pistols are also marked with the stamp of the Saint-Etienne Proof House.

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 17897

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 17897
w/ French Police Inscription and St. Etienne Proof.

A small quantity of second variation Model 1911 pistols which are marked with the HR stamp with a star also have the RKL stamp with a border in the form of a triangle.

Second variation 6.35mm Jieffeco Model 1911 pistols with serial numbers 32375 and 32471, which have HR stamps with a Star and the RKL stamp in a triangle, were made for the French market  and are marked with the inscription in French:  “PISTOLET AUTOMATIQUE JIEFFECO DEPOSE.

Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 32471 Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 32471

Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 32471

Observed second variation 6.35mm Melior pistols, which are marked with HR stamps with a star and the RKL stamp with a triangle border, have serial numbers 31994, 32480, and 32711.

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 32711 Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 32711

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 32711

The remaining second variation Model 1911 pistols, before the end of production, have the HR stamp with a Star and the RKL stamp without a border.

Observed Jieffeco pistols that have such stamps on the trigger guard, serial numbers 33151, 33623, 34602, and 35654, were sold in the French market and marked with an inscription in French: “PISTOLET AUTOMATIQUE JIEFFECO DEPOSE.

Special attention should be paid to the Jieffeco pistol with the serial number 33623, which does not have Liege proof marks and has grips made of wood. Presumably this Jieffeco pistol was manufactured immediately after the first world war in 1914, but before the Liege proof house reopened on 24 February 1919. It is obvious that the remaining pistols we have observed belong to the post-war period.

Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 33623
Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 33623

Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 33623

The only second variation Jieffeco Model 1911 pistol we have observed that was sent to the English market has the HR stamp with a Star and the RKL stamp without edging and has the export marking "BELGIUM" on the frame. This pistol has the serial number 35111.

Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 35111 Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 35111

Jieffeco Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 35111

Second variation Model 1911 Melior pistols sent for export have the HR stamp with a star and the RKL stamp without border, and have export markings in two different location.

The Melior pistol with serial number 33222 has the export marking "BELGIUM" on the left side of the recoil spring housing.

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 33222 Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 33222

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 33222

Melior pistols with serial numbers 35009, 35150, and 35174 have the export marking "BELGIUM" on the right side of the frame, and are also marked "CAL 25" on the left side of the frame.

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 35009 Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 35009

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 35009

Observed second variation Model 1911 Melior pistols, with serial numbers 33445, 33765, 33840, 34477, 34709, 34919, 35631, 36299, and 36489, are marked on the trigger guard with the HR stamp with a star and the RKL stamp without border, and do not have export markings.

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN33445 Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN33445

Melior Model 1911 Second Variation - SN 33445

Part 4: Patents, Technical Data, Advertisements

* Write to edbuffaloe@unblinkingeye.com.


  • Brandt, Jakob H. “Magazine der Selbstladepistolen Jieffeco und Melior”. Deutsche Waffen Journal, June 1995.
  • Daubresse, Alain.  Les armuriers Liègeois a travers leurs réalisations.  Alain Daubresse: 2014.
  • Daubresse, Alain.  littlegun.be
  • Gadisseur, Guy and Druart, Michel. Le Qui est Qui: de l’Armurierie liégeoise, 1800-1950, Tome 1, Editions du Pecari: 2005.
  • Hogg, Ian and Walter, John. Pistols of the World, 4th Edition. Krause Publications, Iola, WI: 2004.
  • Hogg, Ian V. and Weeks, John. Pistols of the World. Arms & Armour Press, London: 1978.
  • Matthews, J. Howard, Firearms Identification.  Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois: 1962.
  • Olson, John, Editor. Famous Automatic Pistols and Revolvers, Volume 2. Jolex.
  • Schroeder, Joseph J. Jr., Editor.  Arms of the World 1911: The Fabulous ALFA Catalogue of Arms and the Outdoors. Follett Publishing Company, Chicago: 1972.

Early Melior, Jieffeco, and Phoenix Serial Numbers
Rebirth of the Phoenix

Thanks to Stefan Klein for research assistance and photographs.
Thanks to Michel Druart for providing us with Henri Rosier’s patents.
Thanks also to Guido Grenny, Marco Benecci, Ashley Jason Smith, and Roland Adam from the luger.gunboards forum, Janne Salopuro at
www.fusil.fi, and the online store at www.puskarstvinovotny.cz.

Copyright 2020 by Vaclav Vriesen and Ed Buffaloe.  All rights reserved.

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