Unblinking Eye
Remington 51 Prototypes

Barrel Variations

Detail of barrel from the prototype with the grips missing. Step mics at .4757 inches. Barrel mics at .4721 inches.

Barrel detail from the prototype with the brown grips. The step extends .27 inches. The rings extend .35 inches.

Barrel detail from S/N 23 production prototype.  The step extends .44 inches.  The rings extend .28 inches.

Barrel detail from a production gun S/N 36137. The step extends .23 inches. The rings extend .35 inches.

According to Don Simmons there is also a step at the breech end of the barrel in front of the chamber boss. “The function of these surfaces is to give a very close fit with the barrel bushing of the slide and recoil spring-bushing when the slide is in the forward or firing position.”

Copyright 2007
by Ed Buffaloe.


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