Czechoslovak Military Unit Designations
The list of designations of military units is reproduced here, as listed in the decree of the Ministry of National Defense of 1 August 1922. During the succeeding years of the interwar period other markings were
probably added, so this list may not be considered exhaustive.
A: automobile battalion AD: automobile artillery department AGE: military registration horse AZ: automotive depot D: artillery regiments, medical artillery
department DOV: replenishment district command. DZ: divisional armoury H: mountain infantry battalions HB: commander mountain brigades HDB: headquarters heavy artillery
brigade HLD: main air workshops HLS: main air warehouse HN: border infantry battalions HTS: main telegraph depot HVS: main transport depot HZLS: main railway
depot HZNS: main engineer depot HZS: main arms depot J: cavalry regiments JB: headquarters cavalry brigade JS: quartermaster school L: aviation regiments LDB:
headquarters light artillery brigade M: artillery surveyor's company MT: ammunition factory OS: clothing depot P: infantry regiments PB: commander, infantry brigades PD:
commander, infantry division PDB: headquarters artillery field brigade PÚV: battalion, attack, carriages (Temporary Special Warfare Equipment Detachment) PV: armoured train PZ: auxiliary
medical company S: castle guard SP: machine battalion SRB: staff, company provincial military command in Brno SRBR: staff, company provincial military command in
Bratislava SRM: staff, company Ministry of National Defense SRP: staff, company provincial military command in Prague SRU: staff, company provincial military command in
Uzhhorod T: telegraph regiment TDB: headquarters heavy artillery brigade TS: school for physical education UA: automobile training school UD: artillery training school UJ:
cavalry training school UL: aviation training school UP: infantry training school UV: transport training school UZ: engineer training school V: transport
battalion VA: military academy VAM: war archive and museum VH: military stud farm (foals) VP: water battalion vs: war school VV: military prison (prison) Z: military
supply depot ZL: railway regiment ZN: engineer regiments ZU: military geographical institute
Other Standardized Abbreviations
Cet.: Czechoslovak Gendarmerie CSD: Czechoslovak Government Railroads CSP: Czechoslovak Government Postal System fnh: German letter code for Česká zbrojovka factory in
WWII FS: Czechoslovak Ministry of Finance MNO: Czechoslovak Ministry of National Defense NS: National Security (from 1945) rid: Military code for Česká zbrojovka factory SNB:
National Security (replaced NB) URO: Central Board of Trade Unions